All children enrolled at Together We Grow Learning & Childcare Centre for 6 or more hours are required to sleep during their stay at the centre. All parents will be provided information about the centre's Sleep Policy. We ensure that any child younger than 12 months is placed for sleep in a manner consistent with recommendations set out in the Joint…
Intent Child care centre staff enter employment with varying levels of knowledge, skill and experience. Employees must understand what is required of their work, and also need opportunities to acquire new information and support to upgrade and continue to improve their skills, knowledge and approaches. Staff are encouraged to attend workshops, seminars and/or conferences that will help them further expand…
Volunteers and students play an important role in supporting staff in the daily operation of licensed child care programs. This policy for the supervision of volunteers and students is in place to help support the safety and well-being of children attending the centre. Requirements under the Child Care Early Years Act (CCEYA) O. Reg. 137/15 11.1 under the CCEYA states…
If you wish to withdraw a child, you must give written notice to the Director two (2) weeks above one month before you do so. We cannot guarantee space if you temporarily wish to take your child out of the program for a period of time (e.g. maternity leave, summer vacation). To secure the spot you must continue to pay…
Together We Grow Learning and Childcare Centre is committed to creating a work environment that favours equality and inclusion of all its employees and clients. Priority is given to protecting our employees and our visitors from harassment and discrimination. Such conduct interferes with everyone’s ability to perform their duties and is not in keeping with the centre’s philosophy of trust…
At Together We Grow Childcare and Learning Centre (TWG), the health and safety of our staff and employees is paramount. We give priority to protecting our employees and visitors from violence and/or intimidating behaviours. Such conduct interferes with everyone’s ability to perform their job and is not in keeping with the Centre’s philosophy of trust and mutual respect. By working together, and…