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Fire Drills & Evacuation

fire drill

This policy was created to ensure that in the event of a fire, staff and children are aware of procedures to evacuate the premises safely and with least risk.

A total evacuation & fire drill is conducted, and recorded once a month.

All fire extinguishers and smoke alarms must be checked monthly. A record is kept.

Each staff member has been instructed as to her/his responsibilities in the event of a fire before commencing work for the first time.

Together We Grow Learning & Childcare Centre has also posted in a conspicuous place in each room written Fire Procedures that have been approved by the local fire department, and comply with the Ontario Fire Code. Each staff member’s duties in the event of a fire are specified therein.

Each staff member is responsible for familiarizing her or himself with the Fire & Evacuation Procedures.

When the fire alarm is sounded:

  1. We ask the children to stop what they are doing.
  2. We calmly assemble at the nearest door.
  3. We lead children out to the designated Fire Door Exit closest to their respective classrooms.
  4. Staff are required to safely bring their students to the field located to the left of the school.
  5. We take the attendance sheet and emergency cards along with us.
  6. Once outside, we take attendance.
  7. We do not return to the classroom until the “All Clear” signal has been given.
  8. Afterwards, we discuss the situation with the children once we have returned to the classroom.
  9. All records relating to Fire Drills and Evacuations are kept at the office in the Fire Safety Manual.


Evacuation Site

In the event of an emergency that requires the evacuation of the Centre, such as power outages, no heat, sewage back-up, etc. arrangements have been made to take the children to our alternative location. Every attempt will be made to notify you that an evacuation has occurred. However, you are requested to familiarize yourself with the location of this alternate site.

Our evacuation site is:

Vaughan Soccer Club
11151 Keele Street
Maple, Ontario, L6A 1S1
(905) 832-0911

Compliance Indicators

  1. Written procedure approved by the local fire chief that specifies duties of each member of staff in the event of fire and is available on the premises.
  2. A written procedure posted in a conspicuous place in all rooms used for the care of children that explains each individual’s responsibilities in the event of a fire.
  3. Written records that reflect all fire drills and tests completed in the last 12 months
  4. All staff were trained to do their responsibilities in the event of a fire
  5. Staff confirm their responsibilities
  6. We confirm the emergency shelter location is available for use by Together We Grow


Emergency Information

Please advise us as soon as possible of any changes in your registration, and/or medical information, and especially of your telephone number. For your child's safety, it is critical that your child's emergency contact information is up-to-date at all times. Your child's well-being, in the event of an emergency, could depend on it.

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