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Sleep & Rest

rest period

All children enrolled at Together We Grow Learning & Childcare Centre for 6 or more hours are required to sleep during their stay at the centre.

All parents will be provided information about the centre's Sleep Policy.

We ensure that any child younger than 12 months is placed for sleep in a manner consistent with recommendations set out in the Joint Statement of Safe Sleep: Preventing Sudden Infant Deaths in Canada. All staff are required to review this document.

This policy is based on the fundamental principles discussed in this document, including; placing infants on their backs for every sleep reduces the risk of SIDS, and, the safest place for an infant to sleep is in a crib, cradle or bassinet that meets Canadian regulations.


Staff Responsibilities

All staff, students and volunteers are required to read this document and ensure they are implementing it in their respective classrooms. Each is required to know their student’s sleep preferences and assign individual cribs and/or cots to each child. Each bed is to be labelled with the child’s First Name and Last Initial (if there are two or more children with the same name).


  1. Parents are to be consulted about their child’s sleeping arrangements at the time the child is enrolled, during transitioning periods or upon a parent’s request. In these cases, parents should receive daily updates on how their nap time is going.
  2. Changes in sleep patterns: Staff are required to inform parents of any changes to their child’s sleep patterns the same day of the occurrence. They are required to work with the parents to find a suitable solution and adjust the manner in which the child is supervised during sleep.

Infant Room

Supervisory staff and infant room staff are required to inform parents of the obligation of the centre to place their infants on their backs during sleep hours. This must be done for all infants under 12 months. Otherwise, a written recommendation from the child’s doctor regarding alternate sleep position is required. It is important to note that the Joint Statement sets out that once infants are able to roll from their backs to their stomachs or sides, it is not necessary to reposition them onto their backs.

Room Set-up

Every room will have sufficient lighting in sleeping areas to conduct direct visual checks and document each visual check.

  1. The infant room has a separate room for sleeping.
  2. We will supervise each child during nap hours by observing and/or checking in on them.
  3. Each child, depending on age, is given their own crib or cot in their respective classrooms. Cots and/or cribs sharing is NOT allowed. Strollers, swings, bouncers and car seats are NOT intended for infant sleep.
  4. A bed plan will be created for each classroom which maps out where each cot will be placed and the name of the child in each cot/crib. Each bed must contain name tags to identify the child.
  5. Cribs should contain a firm mattress and fitted sheet. There should NOT be any of the following items: pillows, duvets, blankets and/or bumper pads.
  6. Blankets should be thin and of breathable fabric

Sleep schedules

  1. Together We Grow staff recognize not all children have set rest/sleep schedules and will need to rest/sleep based on each child’s individual needs.
  2. Children who do not sleep: If you do not wish for your child to sleep during sleep time, you are required to provide a signed consent form. Children who do not sleep after the first hour are able to engage in quiet activities during nap time.

rest period2Direct Visual Checks

  • Need to be performed at least every 15 min or more frequently in the event of a significant change and/or transition.
  • Staff are to look out for the following direct indicators of distress:
    • Abnormal breathing
    • Skin discoloration
    • Signs of overheating (i.e. sweating, cold or clammy skin)

SIDS has no symptoms or warning signs. Babies who die of SIDS seem healthy before being put to bed. They show no signs of struggle and are often found in the same position as when they were placed in the bed.

  • Staff are to document direct visual checks on the Nap Log sheet. On each sheet, staff must indicate (with a checkmark) if a direct visual check was completed for each child. Staff must also record any indicators of stress (if observed).

Supporting Documentation & Organizations

  1. Joint Statement on Safe Sleep: Preventing Sudden Infant Deaths in Canada
  2. Public Health Agency of Canada
  3. Canadian Pediatric Society
  4. American Academy of Pediatrics


The child care program will review its Sleep Policy and Procedures annually to ensure it is current with respect to language and legislation. The policy will be reviewed and signed off by all staff, students and volunteers.

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