Program Statement and its Implementation

baby readingTogether We Grow Learning & Childcare Centre uses this resource guideline to strengthen the quality of our programs and ensure high quality and enriching experiences that lead to positive outcomes in relation to the children’s learning, development, health and safety, nutrition and well-being through play based learning.

As they pursue their choices and plans, children explore, ask and answer questions, solve problems, and interact with peers, program staff, volunteers, students on placement and other adults. Our program provides learning opportunities both indoors and outdoors.

HOW DOES LEARNING HAPPEN? ONTARIOS”S PEDAGOGY FOR THE EARLY YEARS (2014)” guides our licensed childcare program. This professional learning resource supports our early year’s programs and inspires critical reflection and discussion among the staff, the children and their families. (Minister’s Policy Statement on Programming & Pedagogy, made under the Child Care and Early Years Act, subsection 55 (3), 2014)

Together We Grow Learning & Childcare Centre offers a learning program that is consistent with the Ministry of Education policies, pedagogy and curriculum. Other Ministry documents we reference in our program include the following:

We see children as competent individuals, capable of complex thinking, curious and rich in potential and we will value and build on their strengths and abilities. We will encourage the children to interact and communicate in a positive way and support their ability to self-regulate.

We see families as experts because they know their children better than anyone. They share relevant and valuable information to make their children’s experience that much more special. We will foster the engagement and provide ongoing communication with parents, and the local community partners about the program and the development of their children.

We see our educators as knowledgeable, insightful, resourceful and rich in experience. We value the experiences and adaptive environments that are created just for the children based on interests. We will provide child-initiated experiences that are supported by adults. The centre will support staff with continuous professional development to maintain a supportive and educational environment.

Implementation of the Program Statement

All programs operated by Together We Grow Learning & Childcare Centre are fully licensed and meet all regulations outlined in the Child Care and Early Years Act, 2014 (CCEYA).

  1. Together We Grow Learning & Childcare Programs follows all of the regulations in the CCEYA.
  2. Every child in the Together We Grow Program is supervised at all times as required by the CCEYA.
  3. It is a requirement of the CCEYA, and therefore of Together We Grow Learning & Childcare, that staff members count the number of children in their care before and after the movement of children from within the centre, when outside in the playground and when moving children to and from the playground, and at any time that the centre takes the children off the premises.
  4. All employees, students and volunteers review the implementation of the program statement and sign to indicate their understanding prior to employment, and annually thereafter.
  5. All staff that has any interaction with children undergoes regular Professional Development, by attending any workshops that are offered within the York Region and through the Board of Education.

We believe that parents are the most important people in a child’s life and we work closely with them to achieve the best care for their child. Together We Grow Learning & Childcare Programs suscribe How Does Learning Happen (HDLD), and, the Minister's Policy Statement on Programming and Pedagogy.

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